Our Mission
It is our mission to help improve the lives of single mother families who reside in Humboldt County by providing support in the areas of survival, practical and spiritual needs. We seek to partner with community members, agencies, businesses and churches to provide services that meet these needs. We believe that by supporting single mothers in these ways that they can improve their lives, attain sustainability, become better parents and increase their contribution to our local community .
Current Support
Currently, we are supporting and assisting single moms in Humboldt County by offering phone and email support providing a connection to resource information and emotional support. We are currently accepting applications for free oil changes with community partner, help with car repairs, dental work, and one-time bills such as PGE, water, etc. We partner with Faith Center Foursquare Church in Eureka to offer a single mom’s clothing closet. We have a warehouse where recently-housed single moms in Humboldt County can pick up furniture, household items, bedding, and curtains.
We accept monetary donations on this website, direct deposits at our Redwood Capital Bank main branch location and through the mail at 1501 Rose Ave. Ferndale, CA. Donations of gently-used furniture, household goods and clothing are accepted by appointment only with one of our staff. Please call (707) 296-9916.
Our Vision
Our vision is to see that no single mother walks alone. We seek to partner with single mother families, infuse hope into each individual situation, and empower them to make positive choices for themselves and their children. In doing so, create a brighter future for them.
Future Vision
Our vision for the future includes plans to open a drop-in day center specifically to meet our mission goals of providing survival, practical and spiritual needs to single moms in Humboldt County. We would like to create a program that would offer 1:1 counseling, peer support, groups that address topics that are a felt need in our community such as recovery from addictive behavior(s), trauma and abuse as well as financial freedom, parenting, nutrition, etc. We would like to have a food pantry and clothing closet(s) for both single moms and their children. In addition, we would like to offer spiritual enrichment classes on an as-needed basis. We would like to offer help with resumes, vocational training and help with single mom’s who are currently unemployed and need help in obtaining employment.
we value respect
We respect others by treating them the way that we would like to be treated with kindness, empathy, and humility demonstrating compassion in every step of their application process. Each inquirer and applicant will be treated with respect and dignity.
“Religion that God our father accepts as pure and faultless is this: To look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world”
James 1:27